Mindset Revolution
#mindsetrevolution Strengthening Youth Voice on Youth Mental Health
Acerca de este proceso
Este proceso pertenece a Mindset Revolution
Mindset Revolution is about young people creating their own spaces of participation, where they can build a collective voice that can be heard loud and clear by mental health services and policymakers.
We are a group of young people who are empowering youth voice to better mental health services and policies for 16-25-year olds. We are combining arts-based methods like Legislative Theatre* and a digital participation process to test a new approach to youth participation. Young people are evaluating the whole project to see how it all works!
Watch this space and help us shake things up!
In Legislative Theatre a group of people act out their own experience of structural oppressions and discrimination. Working with an audience of "spect-actors" and policymakers they challenge existing rules and create new policies that respond better to their needs.
Pictures from our last project "We are the one we've been waiting for".