Mindset Revolution
#mindsetrevolution Strengthening Youth Voice on Youth Mental Health
3: Diversity Experience Days, Training Series, and QAF Certification (youth + policy makers)
Should assessment of diversity awareness be based on patient experience? Particularly young people from diverse backgrounds
05/07/2023 17:33(@)
We need to focus on follow-up: how do we assess that training has actually made a difference?
05/07/2023 17:32(@)
Think about how we can link to PCREF https://www.gmmh.nhs.uk/patient-carer-race-equity-framework/
05/07/2023 17:30(@)
The suggestion around that pledges and following up is really important. How do we hold people accountable? And I definitely think that kind of like follow up on the impact with young people. There's something about mapping over time and young people's like experiences and responses of did you feel included? Race ethnicity was like acknowledged, respected and kind of upheld in your therapeutic sessions?
05/07/2023 16:58(@)
The most important thing for me is the follow-up work.
05/07/2023 16:53(@)
This day event so that's one side to think about it and I also think yeah drop down days at school, so for example, in like in set days when students aren't in but teachers are they often do half day of training on something, and that's they're always looking for something good and interesting.
05/07/2023 16:51(@)
I do think like quality assurance certification frameworks are like a really good route to go down and this is like so mental health practitioners often are part of a like accredited body like the British Association for counselors and psychotherapists for example.
05/07/2023 16:49(@)
This maybe links to the way in which the GM mental health refresh is developing. There is a general strategy and other communities are feeding into this to see how to translate it to 'their' community
05/07/2023 16:41(@)
Maybe do some research to see what are the problems on barriers so you can explore communities within communities
05/07/2023 16:40(@)
Maybe there is something that is more about cross-cutting and general skillset for working with people, so it's more flexible
05/07/2023 16:39(@)
Question, who defines the competency in a community?
05/07/2023 16:38(@)
There are questions, how are you thinking about it more expansively to all the places in the system where cultural competency or hiring people from different communities and having choice for young people?
05/07/2023 16:36(@)
Sarah's team is putting in an application for the NIHR and she can link young people that want to get involved in that
05/07/2023 16:33(@)
There is funding around this at the moment: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/policy-research-programme-36-01-03-improving-access-to-mental-health-support-and-services-for-ethnic-minority-children-and-young-people/33531
05/07/2023 16:31(@)
GM was one of the pilot sites for PCREF so they could advise on some of the ideas for implementing it in other services
05/07/2023 16:31(@)
video on PCREF https://slam.nhs.uk/pcref-team
05/07/2023 16:30(@)
The NHS might not be looking to do something new because they would have to use/do the PCREF (see proposal one notes)
05/07/2023 16:30(@)
Which organisations? Any organisations working with young people from diverse backgrounds?
05/07/2023 16:29(@)
QAF = Quality Assessment Framework
05/07/2023 16:28(@)
Proposal: https://openspaces.platoniq.net/processes/mindset-revolution/f/403/proposals/805
05/07/2023 13:532: Accessible support without diagnostic assessments (youth + policy makers)
Building collective voice through links to other campaigning groups such as Mind
05/07/2023 17:35(@)
If the focus is on policy change we might need to look for policy windows in Department of Education/ Ofsted. Policy teams in Department of Education open to ideas
05/07/2023 17:35(@)
Young people: But inclusive services within a school can benefit everyone - access to support should be universal irrespective of diagnosis. Access to early pre-diagnosis support can actually savemoney in the long term
05/07/2023 17:23(@)
Sarah: Health systems need markers to assess who needs to support and know where to invest resources
05/07/2023 17:21(@)
Important to clarify distinction between policy and action to know how to frame ideas and who to speak to about them
05/07/2023 17:18(@)
Is it the teachers' place to decide if someone needs a diagnosis. Everyone needs help, support
05/07/2023 16:23(@)
Combine the training in proposal one to help meet this challenge... it's maybe not new resources etc but maybe it's about training and understanding for most students not just GM, queer etc
05/07/2023 16:22(@)
It's good to focus on schools because young people are meant to spend a lot of time there rather than waiting until a young person gets to a breaking point and have to leave that setting. So, focus on the investment in schools to prevent the build up which will lead to a crisis point.
05/07/2023 16:21(@)
Is school the right/only place for this?
05/07/2023 16:20(@)
Maybe there could be a breaks campaign
05/07/2023 16:19(@)
There is some work around putting wellbeing as level with attainment.
05/07/2023 16:19(@)
Maybe it's about a campaign that says everyone should be able to have the things we're asking for. In real life, school conditions are not something that adults need to have. So, maybe focus on a really specific ask, like everyone is entitled to...
05/07/2023 16:18(@)
The idea is that it would be beneficial to all people, with mh issues and the borderline.
05/07/2023 16:17(@)
Sounds like a good idea. Of the three, it is not the most feasible, there might be a lot of back and forth between who is responsible for what, who pays for what? You need an ECHP to get access to resources. Schools would be resistant to this, perhaps, maybe this needs some investigation? A lot of this will be about who can commit, e.g., in a MAT. Question is, how do you get to the point where people have to do it, without the ECHP?
05/07/2023 16:16(@)
Proposal: https://openspaces.platoniq.net/processes/mindset-revolution/f/403/proposals/813
05/07/2023 13:531: Progressing the influence of diverse cultures within mental health services (youth + policy makers)
Suggestion from young people about creating opportunities for degree apprenticeships among young people from diverse backgrounds
05/07/2023 17:16(@)
Elsie's suggestion: Young people to shape and deliver training on diversity - opportunity now to work with GM to do this
05/07/2023 17:16(@)
There are two different elements in this proposal: raising awareness about diversity among mental health and fostering more diversity within staff
05/07/2023 17:15(@)
Contact the PCREF team: https://slam.nhs.uk/pcref-team PCREF Team: Dr Jacqui Dyer and Zoë Reed: Joint Strategic Leads for PCREF Paulene Samuels: Chair of the PCREF Community Action Group Annette Davis: Chair of the PCREF Service Users and Carers Group Shania Ruddock: Deputy Director, PCREF and Chair of the PCREF Staff Network
05/07/2023 16:05(@)
How is it going to represent young people and how they identify etc?
05/07/2023 16:05(@)
It's great this is all happening but we want to see people from my background (GM and queer) when we are accessing services, e.g. CPN
05/07/2023 16:04(@)
There was a request if we can speak to those involved in making the framework. This is something that they would welcome
05/07/2023 16:02(@)
A group of young people were involved in addressing the Core 20 Plus is going to pivotal for driving the agenda forwards https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/core20plus5-infographic-children-and-young-people/
05/07/2023 16:01(@)
PCREF - there was a lot of stakeholder development and the three leaders of the initiative had an impressive track record on addressing inequalities
05/07/2023 16:00(@)
Who has helped develop this Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF)? What was their background?
05/07/2023 15:59(@)
It is thought it is going to take a lot of work. How to implement change is the issue. There is the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) is a piece of development work. The implementation hasn't really happened yet?
05/07/2023 15:59(@)
Challenge, we are aware of statistics but we are a group of marginalised young people... the question is what is the NHS doing to change that rather than see young people as a statistic. and please use 'global majority'
05/07/2023 15:58(@)
They are looking at intersectional inequalities, e.g. LGBT barriers for CAMHS, girls from south east asian with autism struggled, young black boys with socio-economic disadvantage?
05/07/2023 15:57(@)
Is this new framework from a global majority + queer etc?
05/07/2023 15:55(@)
PP - It links in with a NIHR call at the moment (name?) and a mechanism that's coming into services - the patient carer race equality framework - to help NHR trusts to help them become more engaging etc and explore measures to put them in place
05/07/2023 15:55(@)
Proposal: https://openspaces.platoniq.net/processes/mindset-revolution/f/403/proposals/806
05/07/2023 13:52Proposal 3: Diversity Experience Days and Training
The organisation chases the professional up and maybe like a in a few months time just to see whether there's been any progress, every 6 or 9 months
28/06/2023 16:58(@)
Include an online platform where you can see what you've got training (but maybe this might be a bit expensive and complicated)
28/06/2023 16:51(@)
Make experience days mandatory (or some of them) and then the training optional, to follow up.
28/06/2023 16:49(@)
Develop it into a more intersectional approach.
28/06/2023 16:43(@)
Link it to a quality assurance framework to get certified with cultural competency. That comes with a set of rules and guidelines and standards they have to meet.
28/06/2023 16:43(@)
It might also be that the training doesn't fit that particular organization's context or way of working. So that would also be a an important thing to identify as well.
28/06/2023 16:41(@)
Focus on good things as well as problems. We wanna know what's going well so that then we can take that to other organizations.
28/06/2023 16:40(@)
Having reflection sessions, like an organizational version of supervision.
28/06/2023 16:40(@)
28/06/2023 16:24Proposal 2: Support Assessments without Diagnosis
28/06/2023 18:31(@)
A more expansive and inclusive proposal would also consider the needs of international students who might struggle to have access to support/ or a diagnosis in the UK
28/06/2023 16:55(@)
Normally with a diagnosis you might get extra room, breaks, access to a support worker
28/06/2023 16:48(@)
So everyone should have access to the same support - if they need a break for instance, you shouldn't need a diagnosis. If you need to see the GP but you don't want to involve your parents or guardians andmight prefer a support worker. So additional support can help access additional support that you might need
28/06/2023 16:46(@)
This policy should be more inclusive
28/06/2023 16:43(@)
Everyone should have access to support even without a medical diagnosis
28/06/2023 16:39Proposal 1: Exploring the influence of diverse Cultures within mental health services
There needs to be cultural sensitivity training in schools and mental health services, and legislative theatre is a way of doing this
28/06/2023 16:54(@)
For example as part of the sensitivity training Legislative Theatre could be used as a tool to teach those from non marginalised backgrounds about the lived experience of those from marginalised backgrounds i.e Global Majority, queer etc
28/06/2023 16:52(@)
As part of that there should be established cultural competency training for all mental health professionals from non marginalised backgrounds and this can be done through educational programs that focus on cultural sensitivity so that they understand how to support young people from marginalised backgrounds.
28/06/2023 16:51(@)
Not enough people from these backgrounds have leading roles in these services either
28/06/2023 16:51(@)
New text: Progressing the influence of diverse cultures within mental health services: We want to provide incentives and campaigns within schools so that people within the mental health service from marginalised backgrounds can support young people from marginalised backgrounds. There should be established cultural competency training for all mental health professionals from non marginalised backgrounds and this can be done through educational programs that focus on cultural sensitivity so that they understand how to support young people from marginalised backgrounds. We could also use Legislative Theatre as a tool to teach those from non marginalised backgrounds about the lived experience of those from marginalised backgrounds i.e Global Majority, queer etc
28/06/2023 16:47(@)
Changing title to 'Progressing diverse cultures within mental health services'
28/06/2023 16:38(@)
Proposal one and representation of mental health struggles in diverse communities and progressing younger minds are the same... let's combine them
28/06/2023 16:34(@)
28/06/2023 16:23Breakout Room 1
Inadequate recognition... how would you promote diversity in the workplace? Incentives? Campaign? Is there an issue with saying 'diverse' young people should go into broken systems with student debt and unable to afford masters degrees upfront or taking out a loan. So maybe there could be an apprenticeship scheme?
28/06/2023 16:08(@)
Support Assessments without Diagnosis... can we tweak the wording so that it's not about a diagnosis which can be stigmatising but it's about routine support that is available... like everyone gets 15 mins longer on the exam
28/06/2023 16:01(@)
Support Assessments without Diagnosis... maybe there needs to be more help so students can bring together the evidence to make the case that they have a particular, e.g., learning disability
28/06/2023 16:00(@)
Support Assessments without Diagnosis ... maybe there is a variation between school to school and teacher to teacher. Some people are already getting support without a diagnosis. Maybe look at schools that do it better and look to share it with schools that don't do it well now. So, figure out some sort of framework... and figure out what the diagnosis does, does it just mean more time/resource for the school?
28/06/2023 15:58(@)
Exploring the influence of diverse Cultures... is another training option and organisations have to do a lot of training and they tend to just do an online course, which isn't as good and maybe it isn't suitable for complex things like how to be a human with someone in distress
28/06/2023 15:52(@)
We're interested in proposing ideas that aren't too expensive and can be realistically implemented
28/06/2023 15:48Breakout Room 2
People are more than their diagnosis
28/06/2023 16:12(@)
You can't medicate away financial stress
28/06/2023 16:11(@)
People should have access to support irrespective of whether they have a diagnosis or not
28/06/2023 16:03(@)
There is a lack of autonomy in what professionals you are given. People should have a choice
28/06/2023 16:02(@)
If they [NHS] can't offer you representation [in terms of diversity of professionals that might represent society's demographics] they should be at least be trained to recognise and be sensitive to different cultures and backgrounds
28/06/2023 16:01(@)
We need people that understand different experiences
28/06/2023 15:59(@)
"I've never had a psychiatrist that was not male and South Asian"
28/06/2023 15:58(@)
More diversity among mental health professional - there is diversity but not the right kind. Does that match up to the personal experience of the young people?
28/06/2023 15:57(@)
Training is not enough - it doesn't really solve issues
28/06/2023 15:55(@)
Anti racist/ LGBTQ training is not enough - we want follow up to see what has changed
28/06/2023 15:54(@)
Proposal 2 - the phrasing "media representation" is a bit vague
28/06/2023 15:50(@)
Proposal 1 is very relevant to the themes raised in the survey
28/06/2023 15:49Breakout Room 3
There's a lot of neurodiversity, like autism, especially, and you get diagnosed with anxiety and depression instead of. Being diagnosed with a neural diagnosis. Then there's the old medicalization, especially of anxiety and depression. That's like the thing just to give people medication for anxiety and depression instead of maybe modifying the way we do things like chating back either.
28/06/2023 16:14(@)
I think the assessment before diagnosis is quite important because people can get wrong with that, but maybe that can happen so it can make sure that the person definitely does have the right
28/06/2023 16:11Prateek Gupta (@PrateekGupta)
positive media representation of anything directly affects our society
28/06/2023 16:06(@)
I like the one about the assessments in schools because I think it's important to have support without having a diagnosis and it's also linked to the medicalisation and over diagnosis of certain groups. But also having support in schools is like really important to have to put a bit earlier on.
28/06/2023 16:04Prateek Gupta (@PrateekGupta)
i really like the proposal for Media Representation of mental health struggles in diverse communities
28/06/2023 16:04(@)
I really like the Experience Days, and also the Support Assessments without Diagnosis
28/06/2023 16:00