Mindset Revolution
#mindsetrevolution Strengthening Youth Voice on Youth Mental Health
Policy Proposal 4: Young People Led Training for Service Providers
There is a lot of scope for collaborative action across various projects, including the peer research project on mental health that 42nd Street is leading, and participatory activities under Mindset Revolution and the Bee Heard Group. A participatory budgeting process could possibly be organised to bring together these projects. However, clarity is needed on how much funding is available.
The Living Well steering group have a crucial role in influencing and informing the Living Well model in Manchester, which encompasses training for staff, and may be able to assist with pushing for young people-led training.
Greater Manchester MH is supporting the training of new therapist. Specifically, around embedding youth participation and voice into the curriculum and this has a big cross over with supporting trainees to think more about community outreach as well as EDI
MR young people have been contacted for paid opportunity to share their lived experience, talk about the research and specifically focus on youth voice, participation, diversity/inclusion and discrimination. These are all things they have covered on the podcasts which I've listened too. I would work with and support them throughout. They could do this independently or as representatives of MindSet Revolution - whichever they and you would prefer. GM is recruiting a new EDI lead coming in November and I MR young people have been invited to interview candidates for this role
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